Animal breeder business license
Animal breeder business license

Saxon’s anti-narcotics squad led the May 1 and May 2 cannabis farm raids, borrowing officers from Siskiyou County and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The dual licensing system, he said, is “placing many sheriffs in an uncomfortable situation, including myself.” “What I wish for is that we would have a consistent policy throughout the state,” said Trinity County Sheriff Tim Saxon.

#Animal breeder business license license

The agency had no response to a request to comment on the situation in Trinity County but in the past has defended its practices of granting licenses to unpermitted growers in neighboring Mendocino County, arguing that the law requires only that license holders be in the process of obtaining local approval.Īs of Thursday, the state had 345 active cultivation licenses in Trinity County, but the county had approved only 134. The state Department of Cannabis Control responded with a letter reassuring growers that it would take no action against those who lost their local permits because of the ruling. Those seeking a license in 2021 were required to start over, when a local faction convinced a judge to overturn the county’s cannabis permitting system because it did not subject farms to environmental review. The majority of thousands of Trinity County cannabis grows remain unlicensed, selling to illegal markets. The ballot measure barely passed in Trinity County, opposed by both those who did and did not grow weed.

animal breeder business license

Proposition 64, the 2016 measure that legalized recreational use of cannabis, created a dual licensing system that requires both state and local approval to grow commercial cannabis.

Animal breeder business license